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A Teacher's Prayer

A Teacher's Prayer

O Lord, Grant me your strength.
so I will have enough courage in every situation;

Grant me your love,
so I will never give up on anybody;

Grant me your wisdom,
so I will show others the path to success;

Grant me your mercy,
so I will forgive those who have hurt me;

Grant me your peace,
so I will find the rest in everybody;

Grant me your hope,
so I will never give up;

Grant me your joy,
so I will be thankful for all my blessings;

And grant me your grace,
so I will always be at my side.

- David Benneth

A Teacher's Prayer

Lord, please give me patience and leadership,
both loving and kind to nurture and instruct each young
and growing mind.

May my faith be evident in all I say and do,
for if  I help the world to grow in wisdom and grace,
then on this earth, I have filled my place.

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