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Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Collection of Science Multiple Choice Questions

Science Multiple Choice Questions

1. Which of the following ecosystems will exhibit maximum  fixation of carbon averaged over a year through photosynthesis?
A. Farm ecosystem.
B. Ocean ecosystem.
C. Rainforest ecosystem.
D. Pond ecosystem.
2.  The human blood pigment Haemoglobin has maximum affinity towards
A. NH3
C. CO2
D. O2
3.  Monozygotic twins have
A. same genetic makeup and different biological sex.
B. same genetic makeup and same biological sex.
C. dissimilar genetic makeup and di_erent biological sex.
D. dissimilar genetic makeup but same biological sex.
4.  In certain plant species, red flower colour is incompletely dominant to white flower colour (the hetrozygote is pink) and tall stems are completely dominant to dwarf stems. If the pink plant (TtRr) is crossed with a tall white plant(TTrr), which of the following types of plants would be produced in the ofsprings?
A. Dwarf pink and tall red.
B. Tall pink and tall white.
C. Dwarf red and tall pink.
D. Tall pink and dwarf white.
5.  Which of the following secretions of the alimentary canal in human DO NOT contain any enzymes?
A. Salivary Juice.
B. Gastric juice.
C. Bile juice.
D. Pancreatic juice.
6.  Humans are called ureotalic animals as they excrete nitrogen primarily in the form of urea. However, urine of a healthy human being also contains traces of uric acid. The source of this waste product is:
A. Metabolism of DNA and RNA.
B. Lipid metabolism.
C. Carbohydrate metabolism.
D. Protein metabolism.
7.  In a bee hive, there are thousands of worker bees performing number of day-to-day activities. Genetically, the worker bees are
A. Sterile males.
B. Fertile males.
C. Fertile females.
D. Sterile females.
8.  Tyndall effect can be observed in a colloidal solution. Consider light scattering in the following:
I. When sunlight passes through the canopy of a dense forest.
II. When normal light passes through lead iodide solution.
III. When monochromatic light passes through solution of K2SO4(Al)2SO4.24H2O.
Tyndall effect is observed in:
A. I, II and III.                                                          C. I and III only.
B. I only.                                                 D. III only .

9.  Sugarcane plants are one of the most efficient converters of one form of energy to another form. What type of energy conversion takes place in sugarcane plant?
A. Biochemical energy to mechanical energy.
B. Solar energy to chemical energy.
C. Chemical energy to solar energy.
D. Solar energy to magnetic energy.
10.  The number of moles of solute present in 1 kg of a solvent is called its

11.  Which of the following quantities contains the greatest number of moles?
A. 30 g of N2                                                               C. 60 g of NaCl
B. 35 g of NH3                                                        D. 75 g of CaO
12.  Use the chemical equation below to answer the question that follows.
Which of the following kinds of chemical reaction is represented by the equation above?
A. addition                                                             C. elimination
B. condensation                                   D. substitution
13.  Which of the following statements about oxidation and reduction reactions is correct?
A. One substance is reduced and oxidized at the same time.
B. One substance is oxidized and another is reduced.
C. Both substances are oxidized.
D. Both substances are reduced.
14.   Which of the following represents the correct formula for aluminum oxide?
                A.  AlO                                                                    C.  AlO2
                B.  Al2O3                                                                          D.  Al2O
15. The mass of a metal cylinder was determined on an analytical balance to be 50.208 g. The volume of the cylinder was measured and determined to be 5.6 mL. The density of the metal cylinder, expressed to the proper number of significant figures, is...
                A.  8.9657 g/mL                                    C.  0.11153 g/mL
                B.  9.0 g/mL                                                           D.  0.11 g/mL                       
16.  What would be the volume in liters of 640 g of oil if the density of the oil is 0.8 g/mL?
                A.  800 liters                                                         C.  512 liters
                B.  0.8 liter                                                             D.  0.5 liters
17.  In which of the following compounds does ionic bonding predominate?
                A.  NH4Cl                                                                C.  CH4
                B.  CO2                                                                    D.  LiBr
18.  The identity of an element is determined by...
                A.  the number of its protons.
                B.  the number of its neutrons.
                c.  the number of its electrons.
                D. its atomic mass.
19. How many valence electrons does an oxygen atom have?
                A. 2                                                                         C.  8
                B.  6                                                                        D.  16
20.  If 88.0 grams of solid carbon dioxide evaporates, how many liters of CO2 gas will be formed at a temperature of 300 K and 2.00 atmospheres of pressure? The ideal gas law constant "R" is...
A.        98.5 liters                                                     C.  24.6 liters
B.       2170 liters                                                     D.  1080 liters
21.  It is easier to roll a stone up a sloping road than to lift it vertical upwards because
                A.  work done in rolling is more than in lifting
                B.  work done in lifting the stone is equal to rolling it
                C.  work done in both is same but the rate of doing work is less in rolling
                D.  work done in rolling a stone is less than in lifting it
22.  Large transformers, when used for some time, become very hot and are cooled by circulating oil. The heating of the transformer is due to
                A.  the heating effect of current alone
                B.  hysteresis loss alone
                C.  both the heating effect of current and hysteresis loss
                D.  intense sunlight at noon
23.  Mirage is due to
                A.  unequal heating of different parts of the atmosphere
                B.  magnetic disturbances in the atmosphere
                C.  depletion of ozone layer in the atmosphere
                D.  depletion of ozone layer in the atmosphere
24. Find the maximum velocity for the overturn of a car moving on a circular track of radius 100 m. The co-efficient of friction between the road and tyre is 0.2
                A.  0.14 m/s                                                           C.  1.4 km/s
                B.  140 m/s                                                            D.  14 m/s
25.  It takes much longer to cook food in the hills than in the plains, because
A.  in the hills the atmospheric pressure is lower than that in the plains and therefore water boils at a temperature lower than 100oC causing an increase in cooking time.
B.  due to low atmospheric pressure on the hills, the water boils at a temperature higher than 100oC and therefore water takes longer to boil
C. in the hills the atmospheric density is low and therefore a lot of heat is lost to the atmosphere
D.  in the hills the humidity is high and therefore a lot of heat is absorbed by the atmosphere leaving very little heat for cooking
26.  Sound travels with a different speed in media. In what order does the velocity of sound increase in these media?
                A.  Water, iron and air                                        C.  Air, water and iron
                B.  Iron, air and water                                          D.  Iron, water and air
27.  The method of detecting the presence, position and direction of motion of distant objects by reflecting a beam of sound waves is known as _____.
a.        RADAR                                                           c.  MIR
b.       SONAR                                                           d.  CRO
28.  If sound travels at 340 m/s why does it take 2 seconds to hear the echo off a wall 680 m away?
a.     It takes 2 seconds because echoes travel twice as fast as sound
b. Echoes travel at 1/2 the speed of sound
c. It takes sound 1 second to get there and 1 second to get back
d. It only takes 1 second to hear the echo
29.  Why doesn't sound travel through a vacuum?
a. Vacuums are too cold to allow sound waves to travel through them
b. Sound is a waveform operating in matter, and there is no matter in a vacuum
c. Vacuums absorb most of the sound
d. Explosions in space can be heard therefore sound does travel in space
30.  d. four times as much
30.  Which of the following statements actually describes a characteristic of the force that acts on an object and causes it to move in a circle?
a. It balances all other forces.
b. It is directed toward the center of the circle.
c. It is in the same direction as the object's velocity.
d. It is directed away from the center of the circle.
31. Shoreline erosion and coastal flooding are two consequences of ____.
a. increased rates of evaporation
c. volcanic eruptions
b. a global rise in sea level
d. the greenhouse effect
32.  Climate does NOT change as a result of
a. plate tectonic motion.
c. human activity.
b. general circulation models.
d.volcanic activity.
33.  The average weather conditions for an area over a long period of time is referred to as the area’s
a. specific heat.
c. climate.
b. yearly temperature range.
d. latitude.
34.  Which of the following may decrease temperatures by reflecting sunlight back into space?
a. sea-level change
c. orbital change
b. global warming
d. volcanic activity
35.  The burning of fossil fuels releases large amounts of ____ into the atmosphere, which contributes to global warming.
a. carbon monoxide
c. carbon dioxide
b. calcium carbonate
d. sulfur dioxide
36.  According to the conveyor belt model of ocean circulation, what happens when water reaches the poles?
a. The salinity of the water increases.
c. The density of the water decreases.
b. The salinity of the water decreases.
d. The temperature of the water increases.
37.  More solar energy reaches the equatorial regions than the polar regions because the equatorial regions
a. are covered by a greater area of land.
c. have days with more hours of light.
b. have more vegetation to absorb sunlight.
d. receive sun rays closest to vertical.
38.  The most serious environmental effect posed by hazardous wastes is                          
a)  air pollution.
b)  contamination of groundwater.
c)  increased use of land for landfills.
d)  destruction of habitat.
39.  What is the relationship between fossil fuels and the greenhouse effect?
a.Burning fossil fuels decreases incoming solar radiation.
c.Burning fossil fuels lowers the greenhouse effect.
b.Burning fossil fuels decreases the absorption capacity of greenhouse gases.
d.Burning fossil fuels releases carbon dioxide into the atmosphere.
40.  Which statement best explains why global warming may lead to an increase in the number and intensity of hurricanes?
a. Sea level will rise.
c. The amount of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere will increase.
b. Ocean temperatures will increase.
d. Droughts will decrease.

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