A. Binary Compounds of Metal and Nonmetal
This compound is composed of metal and nonmetal. If you want to learn how to name this compound just follow the simple rule below:
Rule: Name of metal + Stem name of nonmetal + -ide ending
NaCl = Na + Cl
= Sodium + Chlor (stem name of chlorine) + ide
= Sodium Chloride
Some more examples:
KCl = Potassium chloride
MgO = Magnesium oxide
Li2S = Lithium sulfide
MgCl2 = Magnesium chloride
BeO = Berrylium oxide
B. Binary Compounds of Nonmetal and Nonmetal
This compound is composed of two nonmetals. Now in naming this compounds prefixes are used.
1 - mono
2 - di
3 - tri
4 - tetra
5 - pent
6 - hex
7 - hept
8 - oct
9 - nona
10 - dec
Rule: Prefix of first element except mono + Name of first nonmetal + Prefix of second nonmetal + stem name of second nonmetal + ide
CO = C + O
= Carbon (1 carbon no prefix since mono) + Mono (1 oxygen ) + ox (stem name of oxygen) + ide
= Carbon monoxide
Other examples:
CO2 - Carbon dioxide
NO3 - Nitrogen trioxide
N2O4 - Dinitrogen tetraoxide
CCl4 - Carbon tetrachloride
P2O4 - Diphosphorus tetraoxide
C. Binary Acids
This compound is composed of hydrogen bonded to a nonmetal
Rule : Hydro (constant prefix) + stem name of nonmetal + -ic acid
Example :
HCl = H + Cl
= Hydro + chlor (stem name of chlorine) + ic acid
= Hydrochloric acid
Other examples;
H2S - Hydrosulfuric acid ( sulfur is exempted to the rule, full name is used)
HF - Hydroflouric acid
HBr - Hydrobromic acid
D. Binary compounds of metal with variable oxidation number and nonmetal
This compound is composed of metal having two or more oxidation number paired with a nonmetal.
There are two rules to follow, one is by the use of IUPAC system of naming and the latin system of naming.
IUPAC System:
Rule : Name of metal + Roman Numeral showing the oxidation used in metal element + Stem name of nonmetal + ide
Example :
FeCl2 = Fe (+2 oxidation used) + Cl (-1 oxidation used)
= Iron (II) (II - indicates the oxidation number used of Fe) + Chlor (Stem name of chlorine + ide
= Iron (II) chloride
Other examples:
FeCl3 - Iron (III) chloride
Fe2O3 - Iron (III) oxide
FeO - Iron (II) oxide
Latin System:
Rule : Stem name of the latin name of metal ( but there are some exemption like Hg) + ic ( is attached when the oxidation number used of the metal is higher) or -ous (is attached when the oxidation number used of the metal is lower) + stem name of nonmetal + ide
FeCl2 = Fe (+2 oxidation used) + Cl (-1 oxidation used)
= Ferr ( Stem name of the latin name of Fe which is Ferrum) + ous ( ous is the suffix used for lower oxidation number + chlor (stem name of chlorine) + ide
= Ferrous chloride
Other examples:
FeCl3 - Ferric chloride
Fe2O3 - Ferric oxide
FeO - Ferrous oxide
E. Ternary Ionic Compounds
This compound is composed of metal attached to a polyatomic anion.
Rule: Name of metal ( use roman numeral of the oxidation number when metal has variable oxidation number + name of the polyatomic anion.
Example :
NaOH = Na + OH
= Sodium (the name of the metal) + hydroxide ( name of the polyatomic anion)
= Sodium hydroxide
Other Examples:
CaSO4 - Calcium Sulfate
Cu3PO4 - Copper (I) phosphate
Cu3(PO3)2 - Copper (II) phosphite
F. Ternary Acids (Oxyacids)
Ternary acids are acids composed of hydrogen element paired to polyatomic anion. This is also called oxyacids, acids containing oxygen.
Rule : Stem name of the element which is not hydrogen and oxygen (but there are some exemption, other element use full name like sulfur, carbon) + ous acid ( this is used when the ending of the polyatomic anion is ite) or ic acid (when the ending name of the polyatomic anion is ate).
H2SO4 = H + SO4 (sulfate, name of polyatomic anion)
= Sulfur + ic acid ( ic acid is used because sulfate ends in ate)
Other examples:
H3PO3 - Phosphorous acid
H3PO4 - Phosphoric acid
H2SO3 - Sulfurous acid
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